Play Therapy Sessions
Within the room, the child has the opportunity to make choices and to take responsibility for them. They can be themselves and decide how they spend their time, choosing from what is available in the ‘therapeutic toolkit’ to express themselves, trusting that they will be accepted unconditionally and that their thoughts and feelings will be respected. Sessions take place on a one-to-one basis.
To provide a safe environment and a place of confidentiality, mutual trust and respect.
Play Therapy may be non-directive which means that sessions are child led; directive and sessions led by the therapist, or a combination of both. The presenting needs of the child and the nature of the therapeutic relationship will determine the best approach.
Frequency & Duration
How long a child accesses Play Therapy is dependent upon the nature of the referral and the complexity of their needs.
A minimum of 12 weekly sessions, each lasting up to 40 minutes, are initially necessary.
Following periodic reviews, further sessions can be recommended.
I work with a mixture of toys and media which includes, but is not limited to; sand tray, art materials, Play-doh, puppets, musical instruments, role play and movement, storytelling /books